Lecture by Suzanne Treister: /Hypothetical Futures: From //’HEXEN 2039//‘ to //’Technoshamanic Systems’/
- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Suzanne Treister is currently based in London having lived in Australia, New York and Berlin. Initially recognized in the 1980s as a painter, she became a pioneer in the digital/new media/web based field from the beginning of the 1990s, making work about emerging technologies, developing fictional worlds and international collaborative organisations. Utilising various media, including video, the internet, interactive technologies, photography, drawing and watercolour, Treister has evolved a large body of work which engages with expansive narratives and unconventional bodies of research. An ongoing focus of her work is the relationship between new technologies, society, alternative belief systems and the potential futures of humanity.
In her talk Treister will focus on three key projects /HEXEN 2039/ (2006), /HEXEN 2.0/ (2009-11) and /Technoshamanic Systems: New Cosmological Models for Survival / (2020-21).
Der Vortrag ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe ›Studio, Art and Research‹ und findet via Zoom statt. Bitte melden Sie sich bei Interesse bei mareen.mueller@uni-koeln.de, Sie bekommen dann Zoom Link und Passwort zur Teilnahme zugeschickt.