Lecture by Yen Noh: Diseuse(d), Diseased, Disused: The practice of illness
- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Diseuse(d), Diseased, Disused concerns illness as a practice. By refusing illness as an individuated notion of survival and moving away from the cultural norms and stigmas it brings out, it engages illness as a means for participating in artistic and social aesthetic pedagogy. This lecture specifically explores that being ill is no longer a threat, instead becomes a breach to break away from the seeming solid boundaries of what we call “body” and leads to the emergence of many-other-selves. This line of thinking illness is also informed by the artists Theresa Hak Kyung Cha and Ana Mendieta. Yen Noh will share ways in which illness as a possibility of change can resonate with them, whose practice is grounded in their dispossessed body, as well as my recent project In Between Seances—an attempt to employ Cha’s work and life as a pedagogical method.
Yen Noh is an artist, writer, and educator whose practice engages with artistic and social aesthetic pedagogy. Noh is concerned with possibilities for a radical unsettlement of the self, through which extraordinary social relations can be opened up. She participated in the BAK Fellowship for Situated Practice 2021-2022 and currently explores illness as a pedagogical method and practice as part of the process of her own recovery.
Der Vortrag ist Teil der Veranstaltungsreihe Studio, Art and Research und findet im Sommersemester zum Thema Theorie als Material im Labor für Kunst und Forschung statt.
Die Vorträge sind öffentlich und finden in Kooperation mit der Gesellschaft für künstlerische Forschung statt. Gäste sind herzlich willkommen.
Im Rahmen der Veranstaltung erscheint die Publikationsreihe Studio, Art & Research Reader.
20.06. 16.00 Performance: Clara Saito, how to find your voice?
Labor für Kunst und Forschung
Dürener Str. 89, City Passagen, 1. Stock
50931 Köln