Gastvortrag von Doreen Mende: The Navigation Principle: Slow Image
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From the perspective of computational speed, the human capacity to read an image – across the many layers of time-zones, climates, addressees, countries, generations, and languages – is terribly slow. We humans will fail hilariously in the race to seek cognition. This lecture will offer, from the perspective of curatorial politics, a set of considerations about navigation as popular culture as well as a political condition. It will discuss in particular the question of navigation regarding knowledge-concerned consequences for practicing contemporary image-regimes. Which techno-ontologies emerge from navigation to project new visual-spatial regimes—with collective and collectivizing forces capable of re-distributing the modes of narrating race, gender, and history? The navigational landscape, as debated by philosopher Reza Negarestani and others, produces a spatiality in which the ‘privilege of partial perspective’ from ‘situated knowledges’, as Donna Haraway proposed, is copied and shared, password-protected, and concealed, yet tracked, geo-located, opened, memorized, and particularized as part of a webbed constellation. How can we operate a ramified spatiality through the image-question when, from a perspective of visual studies, navigation could be understood as a “concept-practice”, as Tom Holert suggests? How can we think, link, and challenge a philosophical vocabulary for navigation alongside the call for visual literacy and the politics of image-making, or in relation to curatorial politics, or towards building future social imaginaries? –– As a point of entry, this lecture will speculate about the ‘slow image’ as a tool for analyzing image-regimes emerging from navigational or ramified processes. It will engage in the cybernetic experimentations of East-German filmmakers of the working group defa-futurum of the 1970s as well as contemporary art-research practices.
Doreen Mende is a curator, theorist, researcher, and writer. She is currently Associate Professor and Director of the CCC Research Master and PhD-Forum of the Visual Arts Department at HEAD in Geneva, Switzerland. She is a founding member of the Harun Farocki Institut in Berlin. Her research interests include (geo)spatial practices in image regimes, exhibition-making, curatorial politics, archival metabolisms, decolonizing socialism, and concept work. She holds a PhD in Curatorial/Knowledge from Goldsmiths, University of London. Mende’s recent publications include KP Brehmer: Real Capital Production Raven Row and Koenig Books, London; and “Entries Towards a Society of Ramification” in Proxy Politics Power and Subversion in a Networked Age, edited by RCPP, Archive Books, Berlin