Workshop mit Rose Borthwick und Eva Weinmayr: Let’s Mobilize: What is Feminist Pedagogy?
- Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
Rose Borthwick and Eva Weinmayr, both part of the Feminist Pedagogy Working Group at Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg, will start their workshop with a presentation of their work around “Let’s Mobilize: What is Feminist Pedagogy?,“ the working group and the three day international investigation of queer and feminist pedagogies that took place in 2016 at Valand Academy.
In a second part the participants of the workshop will form small groups to brainstorm and discuss concerns (personal, institutional, wider context…) in regard to the influence and power of feminist thinking for contemporary art production in- and outside of the academic institution. We will finally work on a series on posters that will be installed on campus.
Please bring ready material for the posters (short text excerpts, quotes, images that you found inspiring, provocative or interesting) and take a look at the glossary: „Mapping the concepts and ways of working for Let’s Mobilize“, a chapter in “Let’s Mobilize: What is Feminist Pedagogy workbook”, which can be downloaded here: http://whatisfeministpedagogy.tumblr.com/workbook.
Begrenzte Teilnehmer*innenzahl, um Anmeldung wird gebeten unter: info-lfkf@uni-koeln.de
Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache.