Workshop von Rosa Pons-Cerdà: The Body as an Archive
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DIDAE Training Session #2
When learning and teaching online, what can we do to avoid silencing our bodies? What does it take to connect?
Does the screen create more distance than the physical space? Is there a potential for collaborative research? This training offers possible answers through two practices that take the body as a foundation for embodied research.
Opening the archive: Senses are tools that collect continuous information. Embodied experiences store basic knowledge which remains unexplored. Reconnecting the senses is a way of knowing, an opening to appreciate what we can attain when the mind is secondary.
Cartographies of the body: Countering dominant discourses on the body through collaborative mapping means allowing the body to speak collectively, resulting in counter-narratives that discuss norms, systems, and power relations. Using counter-mapping as a tool, we make new relations, meanings, and speculations.
Rosa Pons-Cerdà designs learning tools, games and other collages with a focus on visuality, visual cultures and design processes. At WDKA she is involved in Social Practices as a diversity worker in the slow process of decolonizing the curriculum.
To attend the workshop please registrate by using this link
Digital Didactics in Art Education (DIDAE): Im Rahmen des Erasmus+ Projekts DIDAE kooperieren die Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien, die Berner Fachhochschule, die Budapester Moholy-Nagy Muveszeti Egyetem, die Stichting Hogeschool Rotterdam und die Universität zu Köln um eine digitale Datenbank für digitale Möglichkeiten der Kunstdidaktik zu entwickeln, sowie geeignete Software und Apps zur Realisierung kunstdidaktischer Formate zu listen.
Maßgeblich beteiligt an diesem Projekt sind seitens der Universität zu Köln Jun.-Prof. Dr. Konstanze Schütze, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Torsten Meyer, Uni.-Prof. Dr. Manuel Zahn, Dshamilja Nebgen, Maren Schmiedt und Anja Lomparski, sowie der externe Webdesigner Timo Meisel.
Dank zum Teil öffentlicher Workshops wird es innerhalb der Projektlaufzeit immer wieder Gelegenheit geben mit den Projektbeteiligten zu den Themenfeldern der digitalen Lehre im Kunstunterricht in den Austausch und Diskurs zu gehen.