Workshop: Cruising Curators
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Als Vorbereitung auf eine Ausstellung mit Arbeiten von Student*innen aus den Seminaren der Künstlerischen Praxis, findet am 9. und 10. Juni ein Workshop mit dem Berliner Kurator*innenkollektiv Cruising Curators statt.
Alle Teilnehmer*innenplätze sind derzeit belegt, bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an lmuno@smail.uni-koeln.de.
Cruising Curators is a Berlin-based collective initiated by a group of queer and feminist cultural workers seeking to facilitate spaces and moments of intimacy and reflection by scrutinising notions of memory, belonging, contact, and genius loci. Cruising here is adopted as a research methodology and is referred to as a continuous tale of interactions defined by proximities in the urban context.
In this two-day workshop, Cruising Curators aim to have a co-learning experience with the participating students in order to collectively reflect on exhibition-making and group-shared methodologies of curatorial practice. The program will employ various media; from collective exercises of introspection and readings to discussions and experiences within and beyond the exhibition space.
The GROUP DISPLAY working group is constituted by Bengisu Çağlayan, Raphael Daibert, Luise Leon Elbern and Eirini Fountedaki (cruisingcurators.com).