Vortrag von Jakob Kolding am 08.12.2016: Another world with difficulties.
Do., 08.12.2016, 18:00 Uhr
LfKF, City Passagen, 1. Stock
Wir freuen uns sehr Sie zum Werkvortrag „Another World with Difficulties“ von Jakob Kolding einladen zu können.
Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt.
How do found images function as a way of thinking about construction, de-construction and re-construction of meaning? Images are cut and pasted, re-contextualized and re-positioned, re-posted or re-presented, changing how they can be seen and understood and taking apart existing worlds and (re)making new ones. Images are everywhere every day. They are part of the construction of a physical, digital, psychological, social, economic and political space. Spaces defined by mutual interrelations and ever developing processes. As with images it is impossible to understand one part as isolated from its relationship to the world around it. In that sense re-working and re-positioning found images is a way of discussing the production of meaning and, at the end of the day, the production of power to define and represent. Images with difficulties.
Within this realm of image related politics Jakob Kolding discusses his artistic practice of the last decade and gives insight into his work with found and recontextualized footage.
Born in 1971 in Albertslund, Denmark, Jakob Kolding lives and works in Berlin. Kolding has exhibited in museums and galleries internationally, including the Neubauer Collegium, Chicago; Kunsthalle Wien; Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago; Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam; Frankfurter Kunstverein; Museum Villa Stuck, Munich; Kunstverein in Hamburg; CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco; the Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego; and the University of Michigan Museum of Art, Ann Arbor. His work is included in numerous public collections including the Museum of Modern Art in New York. He is represented by Team Gallery, New York; Galeri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen; and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna.