Internationaler Workshop mit Koert van Mensvoort: Next Nature – The Nature Caused by People
.mbr monthly
Mi, 20.04.2011 | 14:00 Uhr
Block B | R 244 | Gronewaldstraße 2 | Köln
Im Sommersemester hat das Institut für Kunst & Kunsttheorie in der Lehre etwas ganz besonderes zu bieten. Koert van Mensvoort – Erfinder von nextnature.net – wird für einen internationalen Workshop nach Köln kommen.
Der Workshop beginnt am Mittwoch, 20. April 2011 um 14:00 Uhr mit einem öffentlichen Vortrag und wird ab 16:00 im Seminarkreis fortgesetzt. Ein weiterer Blocktermin folgt am 6. und 7. Mai.
Next Nature – The Nature Caused by People
The human impact on our planet can hardly be underestimated. Untouched old nature is almost nowhere to be found. “We were here”, is written all over. We are living in a time of rainbow tulips, palm-shaped islands, hurricane control and engineered microbes. An age in which the ‘made’ and the ‘born’ are fusing. This does not mean however, that we have become gods and have control over our own destiny. Rather, our relation with nature is changing.
Where technology and nature are traditionally seen as opposed to each other, they now appear to merge or even trade places. Old nature, in the sense of trees, plants, animals, atoms, or climate, is increasingly controlled and governed by man – it is turned into a cultural category. At the same time, our technological environment becomes so complex and uncontrollable, that we start to relate to it as a nature of its own. Wild systems, genetic surprises, evolving products, autonomous machinery and splendidly beautiful black flowers. Nature changes along with us. Time to explore how we can design, build and live in the nature caused by people.
Der Workshop gilt als reguläre Lehrveranstaltung. Die Teilnahme ist für Studierende vielfältig als Studienleistung anrechenbar. Auch Lehrende und andere Interessierte sind herzlich zur Teilnahme eingeladen.
Voranmeldung bitte per formloser eMail an t.meyer@uni-koeln.de