Gastvortrag von Juuso Tervo am 1.6.16: Intimacy with a Stranger: Art, Education and the (Possible) Politics of Love
Kunstpädagogische Positionen
Mi, 1.6.2016 | 16 Uhr
Institut für Kunst und Kunsttheorie | Block B | Theaterraum
R 2.212 | Gronewaldstraße 2 | Köln
“Intimacy with a Stranger: Art, Education and the (Possible) Politics of Love” offers theoretical approaches to the question of love in the context of art, education, and politics, especially focusing on the notion of completion.
It is Plato’s “The Symposium” that provides one of the most well known description of love as a unity of two violently separated parts; that, in other words, love completes us by turning dualities into unities. Interestingly enough, the idea that we need something other than us to complete ourselves has a strong place in political and educational thought, especially among art educators (as Edmund Burke Feldman’s book title “Becoming Human Through Art” suggests). Vis-à-vis this tradition, how could we understand love (together with art, education, and politics) as something other than a mere completion of ourselves, but as a possibly radical opening to strangeness that disrupts predetermined unities?
During the workshop, we will focus on the topic of intimacy and discuss it in relation to articles and artworks as well as artistic and educational practices.
Juuso Tervo is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Art at Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland. He received his PhD from the Department of Arts Administration, Education and Policy at the Ohio State University in 2014 and his MA and BA in art education from Aalto University. His research focuses on political theorization in the context of art and education, mainly from the perspective of political philosophy, critical theory, and literary theory. He was the recipient of the Elliot Eisner Doctoral Research in Art Education Award in 2015 with his dissertation “Corrosive Subjectifications: Theorizing Radical Politics of Art Education in the Intersection of Jacques Rancière and Giorgio Agamben.”
Preview fürs Sommersemester 2016
31.05.16, 12:00 Labor für Kunst und Forschung: Felix Vogel (Berlin)
01.06.16, 16:00 Kunstpädagogische Postionen, LIEBE 2016: Juuso Tervo (Helsinki)
01.06.16, 18:00 DIE KÜNSTLER SIND ANWESEND: Werkvortrag Stefan Ettlinger (Künstler)
08.06.16, 18:00 Saloon Arts Education: Gesine Hopstein (Köln): Was heißt Reflektieren im Kunstunterricht?
09.06.16, 18:00 Labor für Kunst und Forschung: Andreas Bunte (Berlin)
22.06.16, 16:00 Labor für Kunst und Forschung: Kathrin Busch (Berlin)
22.06.16, 18:00 Saloon Arts Education: Lisa Zehetner (FFT Düsseldorf)
28.06.16, 12:00 Labor für Kunst und Forschung: Jörg Heiser (Berlin)
29.06.16, 16:00 Kunstpädagogische Postionen: Andreas Brenne (Osnabrück): Künstlerische Forschung? Kunstpädagogik im Kontext der frühen und mittleren Kindheit
29.06.16, 18:00 DIE KÜNSTLER SIND ANWESEND: Vortrag Thaddäus Hüppi (Künstler und Kurator)
13.07.16, 18:00 Saloon Arts Education: Anne Hoffmann (Sonderpädagogin an der Heinrich-Haselmann Schule St. Augustin), Jane Eschment und Student_innen der Ästhetischen Erziehung und Kunst: Exchanging Expertisen: Fortbildungen als Synergie- und Vernetzungsmöglichkeit zwischen Schule und Hochschule