Wenige freie Plätze! Workshop mit der Mezzosopranistin Julia Mintzer
Liebe Studierende, liebe Gesangs-Interessierte,
hiermit möchten wir Sie darauf aufmerksam machen, dass die preisgekrönte US-amerikanische Mezzosopranistin Julia Mintzer ans Institut für Kunst & Kunsttheorie kommt, um einen Workshop zum Thema „Body as Instrument and Technique as Color: Pulling an Opera from a Text“ zu geben.
Erfreulicherweise gibt es noch ein paar freie Plätze für diesen Workshop, zu dem wir Sie hiermit sehr herzlich einladen:
Julia Mintzer: Body as Instrument and Technique as Color: Pulling an Opera from a Text; Termine: 27.5./28.5. und 8.7./9.7. | Klips-Nr. 14676.0000
In order to hone our craft in many disciplines, we must sharply divide technique and interpretation.We learn that technique is at best a means to enable interpretation, but until it is internalized to the point of physical memory being trustworthy, the struggle to maintain it can be a constant impediment to spontaneity of interpretation. This workshop will begin with basic vocal technique and body awareness relating to classical singing, both individually, and in exercises that build collaborative possibilities.
The goal will be to find a way to seamlessly meld each technical or physical challenge to an artistic
or interpretive one, so that eventually the two layered narratives, within a character and the performer observing oneself from outside, are integrated, allowing the performer to maintain only one narrative and one set of questions on which to focus within the brief heightened experience of a performance
or audition. Equipped with basic physical performance tools, the participants will each find a text
to analyze, drawing out and isolating the conflict within it, so that they can build a full theatrical experience.
American mezzo-soprano and stage director Julia Mintzer was hailed by La Presse as „a true Carmen: extremely sensual, with the grace of a serpent, the violence of a tiger, and a mezzo of penetrating depth.“ Ms. Mintzer joined Die Semperoper Dresden for the 2013-15 seasons, and in the United States has performed with Washington National Opera, Santa Fe Opera, the Glimmerglass Festival, Boston Baroque, and theWolf Trap Opera Company. For the coming season, she will join the Stadttheater Schleswig-Holenstein in the roles of Carmen and Elisabetta in Maria Stuarda. As a director, Julia Mintzer’s production of La Cenerentola for Bel Cantanti Opera was acclaimed as “wildly funny…This production is just the sort of thing that keeps opera alive and relevant.” (BrightestYoungThings.com)
Ms. Mintzer’s performance piece Pizza Parlance, as part of Pizza Pavillion, was listed in Nombre Art Magazine’s „5 Must-Sees of Venice Biennale.“ She is a graduate of The Juilliard School and the Boston University Opera Institute, with additional studies at Columbia University.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier: http://www.juliamintzer.com
Wenn Sie Interesse an dem Kurs haben, melden Sie sich bitte baldigst und verbindlich an unter: aurora.rodono@uni-koeln.de
Eine Anmeldung in Klips ist ab sofort, während der 3. Belegungsphase (09. Mai bis einschl. 16. Mai 2016), möglich.
Achtung! Beachten Sie die Raumänderung: der Kurs findet in den Räumen der Musikpädagogik statt, in Raum 3.128 (alt 311).
Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anmeldungen!