Digitaler Rundgang: Experimental Dance Film
WiSe 2020/2021
Dozentin: Reut Shemesh
In this seminar, we will get to know the field of experimental dance films and create short dance films. The seminar will follow the following steps:
*A field study*
We will watch and discuss different dance films from different choreographers and filmmakers, such as Yvonne Rainer, liquid loft, or Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker / Rosas. We will also discuss the latest development of contemporary dance in music videos and pop culture.
*A visit at the dance archive in Cologne*
At our visit to the dance archive, we will get to know of different possibilities to document dance and discuss the difference between dance documentation and the creation of dance films/clips.
*Movement improvisation and the study of choreography making *
We will engage in movement improvisation sessions, using a specific method based on the relation between the participants to the room and to each other. We will study basic composition tolls, such as rhythm, solo, group work and repetition. Based on the experience we gained in the improvisation sessions we will develop short choreographies.
*Creation of short video dance clips*
Using the tools we studied in the improvisation sessions, we will create short choreographies for dance films. After choosing a location, and staging our pieces we will film and edit our creations. By the end of the seminar, we will exhibit our experimental dance clips.
girls don´t want it sweet – Hanna Held
Wer regiert im Kingdom of sweets und wer unterwirft sich im Kingdom of Sweets?
Wer findet das Kingdom of sweets überholt und hat kein Bock auf Diabetes, Cholesterin, Schuppen oder Karies und Baktus?
Wer liebt süß und hasst sich dafür?
[vimeo 511081748 w=640 h=1138]
ELEMENT – Anna Chrestel
Wie sehen uns bekannte Bewegungen aus, wenn wir sie aus einer anderen Perspektive betrachten?
vorwärts | rückwärts | gespiegelt | …
Was ist dieses Element Wasser eigentlich?
Eine andere Perspektive | Ursprung | Wir ihm unterlegen
Musik: Tears From The Sky – Damian Schäfer
Ursprüngliche Musik zum Video:
Tarocchi – Chancha Via Circuito (bis Minute 2:37)
Morning in Quaanaaq – Autumn Somnum (ab Minute 2:38)
[vimeo 538437050 w=640 h=360]