Gastvortrag von María Acaso am 4.5.2016: Cockroaches, Sharks and Toilet Roll Rabbits: Building XXI Century Art Education Paradigms
Kunstpädagogische Positionen
Mi, 4.5.2016 | 16 Uhr
Institut für Kunst und Kunsttheorie | Block B | Theaterraum
R 2.212 | Gronewaldstraße 2 | Köln
In the present time, Art Education is anchored within a paradigm in which it does not belong. It is deeply rooted in school and dissociated from the world where contemporary art is created, and for various reasons it is bound to an obsolete model whose backbone is the production of so-called crafts.Today is the day when we have to reclaim the necessity of change in our field’s theories and practices and move from Art Education to artEducation, a discipline founded on a series of main concepts that will be addressed in this talk.
María Acaso (b. 1970) is a professor of Art Education and director of the line of research on education in visual arts museums at the Fine Arts Faculty of the Complutense University of Madrid. Since the beginning of her training at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid she has been convinced that the current education system is outdated and in need of an urgent change of paradigm. She is a member of the group „Invisible Pedagogies“ and director of the „Escuela de Educación Disruptiva“ and author of a number of books such as: „rEDUvolution: hacer la revolución en la educación (2013), „Pedagogías invisibles: El espacio del aula como discurso (2012), „La educación artística no son manualidades (2009), „Esto no son las Torres Gemelas (2006). Blog: mariaacaso.es
Her recent text „From Art Education to ArtEducation: Making the Education Revolution into the Visual Arts Teaching Arena.“ is published in What’s Next? Art Education (Torsten Meyer/ Gila Kolb eds.), Munich 2015 and an Interview on “Vermittlung ist Alles” is available at “The Art Educators Talk”: https://arteducatorstalk.net/?interview=maria-acaso-vermittlung-ist-alles
Tipp: Der Besuch der Vorträge im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe kann als Studienleistung in Klips angerechnet werden.
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