Werkvortrag von Tellervo Kalleinen und Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen am 27.04.2016
Mi. 27.04.2016 | 18:00 Uhr
Labor für Kunst und Forschung | Dürener Str. 89
Wir freuen uns, im Rahmen von immermittwochs einen Werkvortrag der Künstler*innen Tellervo Kalleinen und Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen im LABOR FÜR KUNST UND FORSCHUNG ankündigen zu können.
Der Vortrag findet in englischer Sprache statt.
Tellervo Kalleinen (*1975 Lohja) and Oliver Kochta-Kalleinen, (*1971 Dresden) are an artist duo from Helsinki. In their practice they attempt to merge the languages and approaches of a number of disciplines, such as game design, experimental education, dynamic facilitation, social architecture and alternative economies. The artist talk will start with an introduction to their latest work „101 For All“. For this project the artists went on a 6 Month journey to visit 100 homes of a ‚perfect‘ cross-section of the Finnish population to discuss with them about divisive topics.
Tellervo and Oliver are known as the founders of the International Complaints Choir project. Starting in 2005 in Birmingham the project went open source in 2006, creating a global phenomenon of joyful expression of collective frustration. The artists are founding members of YKON, a collective that was formed by the organizers of the First Summit of Micronations in 2003 in Helsinki. 10 years later YKON co-hosted the Summit of Practical Utopias, a game-based conference that explored how Utopian ideas can be applied to everyday practice.
Tellervo and Oliver have developed a number of methods for a participatory art practice, including the film projects „I love My Job“ about revenge fantasies at work places or „People in White“, an exploration of the complicated relationship between Doctor and Client in mental health care. Tellervo’s and Oliver’s collaborative works were presented for example at P.S.1 and the Whitney Museum of American Art (New York), Mori Art Museum (Tokyo), Göteborgs Konsthall, Sparwasser HQ (Berlin), Signal Galleri (Malmö), Hamburger Kunsthalle, Momentum 06 (Norway), Singapore Biennale, Galerie für Landschaftskunst (Hamburg), MOCA Taipei, S.M.A.K. in Ghent, KUMU in Tallin and at ARS06 at the Finnish Museum of Contemporary Art KIASMA (Helsinki).
Labor für Kunst und Forschung
Dürener Str. 89
City Passagen, 1. Etage
50931 Köln