monthly lectures
Kunst & Kunsttheorie


The definition of the term “digital literacy” has a long trajectory and evolution and has been conceptualized from a varied number of perspectives (Marín & Castañeda, 2022). There is a widely held view, still in much research and practice, that digital literacy corresponds to, only or mainly, using digital tools for diverse functions. Nevertheless, the ethical, political, and social dimensions of digital literacy have also increasingly gained importance. In consequence, a critical approach to digital literacy is called upon, a critical digital literacy that does not see digital technologies only as “tools” (Darvin, 2017; Pangrazio, 2016). Apart from addressing the background and conceptualization of this term, we will discuss why it is needed and how it could be developed in our postdigital world.


Victoria I. Marín is a Senior Research Fellow Ramón y Cajal in the Department of Educational Sciences at the University of Lleida (Spain). She helds a PhD in Educational Technology: Virtual Learning and Knowledge Management from the University of the Balearic Islands (Spain). Her research is framed in the field of Educational Technology.