The developed modules offer working materials for learners and multipliers to understand, experience and reflect on algorithmic systems and their sociocultural effects. They contribute to demystifying digital technologies and challenge dominant technology-centric mindsets of the Global North, while creatively reimagining how technologies can be designed and used otherwise.
The three modules are:


Algorithms of Late Capitalism Zine-Making Workshop

with Karla Zavala & Adriaan Odendaal (Internet Tea Pot), Buse Çetin & Serkan Ünsal

This module aims to help demystify AI technologies by challenging technology-centric approaches. Through zine-making, this workshop aims to give participants tools to reflect on the vast human and planetary infrastructure and exploitative dynamics embedded in the philosophy, conception, design and deployment of AI technologies.
The complete module can be accessed here.


Trans Feminist Oracle Workshop

with Edwin Greve, Nelly Pinkrah & Joana Varon

The goal of the Trans Feminist Oracle Workshop is to materialize how existing power structures and imbalances concerning technology’s (artificial intelligence and algorithmic systems) influence and shape our lives and our future. The Trans Feminist Oracle encourages and creates collective practices of imagination and action regarding the recapture of communal control over our own futures.
The complete module can be accessed here.


Hands on Machine Learning Workshop

with Alexa Steinbrück, Sarah Fartuun Heinze & Lia Coleman

Following the principle of “hands on”, the workshop aims to initiate an intimate, physical experience with machine learning algorithms in a post-digital environment and to enable a critical engagement with power structures and their implications for our current future. Critical entanglement, hacking, play and fun are thereby basic conditions for the new game.
The complete module can be accessed here.