
how to touch? (Reut Shemesh)

In this workshop we questioned how our days preseption of love effects our body and the way we interact with other bodies in a public and private spaces. We reviewed at different kind of physical touch, such as; daily physical contact, intimate contact, erotic contact, physical contact as its presented in media and the performance field. Human and nonhuman, auto-touch , physical contact as used for security reasons and physical touch in different cultures, how physical touch in intimate relation is influenced by life style.

These divers observations of physical contact were introduced through improvisation and diverse movement tasks. We researched on the relation and the contact between bodies, composition and narration. With guidelines relating to physical qualities, imagination and different states of mind, we experienced and indulged a creative process. A process in which we made decisions referring to the relation between the bodies, the composition and our own physical sensation. By the end of the process we introduced a short presentation based on the mutual experience.

Eindrücke, Gedanken und weiterführende Arbeiten der workshopteilnehmer*innen: